Step 1:
The very first thing I did was create a list of all the things that I couldn't live without. I then took 10 of them and wrote why I couldn't live without them.
Step 2:
The next thing I did was I sketched out a few different ideas of what I wanted my poster to look like. Out of the three ideas I decided to sketch a larger version of two of them, because I couldn't decide which on I liked more.
Step 3:
Once I decided which design I liked more I went into Indesign and started the outline. I started by drawing the lines of where the text were going to go. I then made boxes for each of the paragraphs that I was going to have.
Step 4:
Next I went into Word and typed out all of my paragraphs talking about each of my items. I put each item on a different document. Originally I was just typing straight into Indesign, however the kerning kept getting really messed up and looked really weird. So then someone suggested that I type them into another document and place them into each box.
Step 5:
After all the paragraphs were finished I went into Indesign and clicked on the text boxes that I put in there earlier. I then pushed command D which is the short cut to place something into it. I then chose my word document and it moved on to the next one.
Step 6:
Once I had placed all of the text into the boxes and had them shaped the way I wanted I moved on to the photos. I went into Photoshop and edited all the pictures I wanted to use. I then saved them for web so that they would be a jpg.
Step 7:
I then had all of my pictures edited. I originally had planned to place all of my pictures as a collage in the background. So I slowly started to add each photo in. About half way in I thought that I didn't like it so I tried to think of something else to do with the photos while keeping the paragraphs the same design. However I couldn't think of anything so I kept going instead.
Step 8:
After I finished putting all of my pictures in I decided that I didn't like the white background behind the paragraphs, so I played around with putting color behind them. I started that by creating a new layer and locking the other layers so that I wouldn't move or mess anything up on accident. I also made sure that this new layer was below the text layer so that it would appear below the text and not on top of it. I couldn't figure out any other way to do this since I am not familiar to InDesign so I just did this. I created a rectangle out of the color that I wanted it to be and made sure that it didn't have an outline. I then used the direct select tool and moved the corners and sides so that it matched up with the lines I already had. I also deleted the lines that I originally had so that it wouldn't clash with the new coloring.
Step 9:
I finished the color and the images and the text. So my next step was to print it out to see how it would look on paper. When I printed it I got a couple different peoples opinion on it. One person said that I might think about rounding the edges. A different person told me that I should try to make my name pop more, because at that time it was kind of hard to read.
Step 10:
The first thing I did next was round all of the corners which meant that I rounded the corner of the images in the corners, and I rounded the corners of the color. This is because I didn't have an outline of the poster, I wanted my other elements to create that outline.
Step 11:
Next I went in to make my name pop more. I started to mess around with the different effects and decided that I at least wanted a drop shadow and an emboss of some kind. When I played around with them I decided that I really liked the drop shadow as well as the inner shadow. The inner shadow I had not excepted to like, however I did so I went with it. I also made my name and the "top 10" text the same color as the background of the text with a black outline so it would show better. And then I was finished and ready to send it off to print.
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